Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some quick updates

Just wanted to pop in and throw out a few quick updates on where I've been lately.

We bought season tickets to the Houston Rodeo this year because sooooooo many awesome performers were coming. We did sell a lot if the tickets, but I personally still went to 9 out of 21 shows. While it was great fun, I'm glad it's over now. It was exhausting!

Three shows into the rodeo and John found out he's Brazil bound again. He left on the 8th. He was supposed to come back on the 27th. I learned Friday that March 27th has turned into April 24th. :oP That a big thumb's down from me! A whole nother month. What. A. Bummer.

I hosted a bridal shower at my house this past sunday for my sister in law. It was a lot of fun, but boy am I worn out. I can't believe the wedding is getting so close!

I had another doctor appointment this morning. I got to hear the heartbeat for the very first time! 162bpm. I even recorded it on my phone and sent it John since he couldn't be there. He thought that was pretty neat. 12 weeks tomorrow so maybe I'll finally do the big facebook announcement here pretty soon. Since our families and good friends all already know.

Other than all that, work has been more than overwhelming lately. I am now just counting down the days until I can leave. Sad, I know. So yeah, I've had a bit going on... I did take pictures of all my rodeo shows so hopefully I'll get up a post of all that.

Talk to y'all soon!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Take Two...

Okay y'all. I'm trying this again...

I was planning a big elaborate post fir this announcement, but if anyone has seen my schedule lately, you'd know that about darn near impossible to do these days. So in an effort to at least get the news out, guess I'll just come right out and say it.

I'm pregnant!!

Big news, huh? Especially when I didn't think it would happen so soon. Just lucky, I guess. After we found out about my cyst, we were going to hold off continuing to try until I got it all taken care of. But it was already too late! Funny how things work out sometimes.

So I'm about 10 1/2 weeks right now. Been pretty non-eventful so far. ::knock on wood:: Haven't been sick. Haven't been too terribly tired. But I'm definitely going to bed earlier than I used to, that's for sure. Yep, just hungry all the time...which is not helping out the GRADUAL weight gain my doctor has recommended. Oops. Now that I'm starting to get some energy back though (and it's finally warming up outside), I'm going to start walking more and keep all this gaining better in check.

So. Yeah. Big news. Little scary. But I hope you all will stay with me through this new journey in my life. I'll need the support, I'm sure! :o)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Are you kidding me??

Ugh! I just spen like an hour writing a new post. An important one at that. And the darn thing didn't publish it. Or save it! Lost the whole thing. Dang it. Well, you'll just have to keep waiting on my announcement since I don't have another hour right now to write it over again. Poo.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I have no words.

I have no words to express the sadness in my heart right now.

No words to understand the hardest decision my best friend had to make today. A decision that no parent should ever have to make. A decision that says, enough is enough and it's time to let him go.

No words of condolence that will make the hurt any less painful or the sorrow go away.

I'm sorry. I'm sad. He will be missed. He was loved dearly.

These are words. But they just aren't...enough.

So, with what words I can, I will say, "Rest in peace little Benjamin. May you be wrapped in God's love for all eternity. Because Lord knows, you deserve it."

I have no words.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ta Da!

And there you have it! My new space! What do you think??

I realize it's a little stark right now, but it'll take me a while to get all the widgets and what not I want added on. So for now, just the basics. But not bad, right?

Well, that's all the time I have to spend on it today. At least I got it unveiled. Hope you like it! :o)

Monday, March 1, 2010


...I have not made my changes yet. Sorry. Turned out to be a more eventful weekend than we were planning on! Coupled with the fact that my doctor's appointment today got rescheduled to last week so I am not home all afternoon looking for something to do. I'm at work. Wishing I didn't have so much to do!

I may be stopping by to visit my bestest friend in the hospital after work so we'll see if I get to the changes today or not. But keep an eye out! They will be here in the next couple days!