Friday, January 8, 2010

Couples Survey

I saw this over on Eyegirl's blog and thought it was cute. Not sure if y'all ever got the full story of Ward and I, so I will share with you. Enjoy!

In The Beginning

Your name:

Your partner's name:

How we met:
We probably started fighting over the crayons or something along those lines, I'm sure.

Where we met:
Kindergarten. We were in the same class. Sure makes the last answer make more sense, eh?

What attracted you to each other:
Well, surely he couldn't resist me and all my 5 year old adorable-ness. And he had such cute little chubby cheeks!

How long before you went out:
Haha! Oh, about 13 years!

First Date

It was November of 2000. Not sure it was ever like an official "date". We had known each other for 13 years, but never really ran in the same circles. But after we decided we liked each other, me, him, and a couple other friends went to Denny's one night. I think that was the same night we decided we were officially 'dating'. November 25, 2000.

Oops...already answered that one...Denny's. Classy, right?

Who asked who:
To be honest, he asked me out on an actual date first, but I had a student council event that night so I couldn't go. So I, in turn, invited him to go out to dinner with me and some friends.

Best part about the date:
The end. We all rode together from my house, so when we got back, he was the last to leave. ;o)

Most nervous about:
Hanging out with him and my friends. We all knew each other, but we'd never all hung out really outside of school. It went amazingly smooth, though. Then I got real nervous once he was the only left at my house after we got back from dinner!

Who called whom first:
Okay, so I probably need to tell a bit of the back story for this to make sense. I liked him. We were in class together. He was having a party at his mom's beach house the weekend of the last football game. Me and two friends were going down to Galveston that night already to get our belly buttons pierced (aren't I the rebel!?) so I asked him if we could swing by. We did. He was wasted, but we hung out, played Duck Hunt on the (old skool) Nintendo, I got to drive his new truck to Jack in the Box, and walked on the beach talking while trying to find my friend who had 'disappeared' with a guy. He hugged me when we left while his ex-girlfriend was glaring at us from the balcony. (ha!) The next week at school, he confessed to his best friend that he thought he liked me. I (had a crush on him for years so I) wanted to see if it would go somewhere, so I called him to see if we could borrow his truck for the student council food drive. He agreed, which led to the dinner at Denny's after we were all finished transporting the canned goods...

First Kiss

That first night after we went to Denny's.

Out in the breezeway at my parent's house.

Who kissed whom first:
Hmm...I'm gonna say it was pretty mutual, but I was nervous as all get out, so he probably leaned in first.

We will always remember:
The date. Of course, I'll always remember the shirt I was wearing. It was red, with a glittery butterfly on it. :o)

Saying the LOVE word

Who said it first:
Actually, he did. He was really upset about something (can't remember exactly what anymore) and about on the verge of tears and during the conversation he mumbled something along the lines of, "I think I'm in love with you...". To which I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tight and saying, "Well, you know I love you, right??"

You, know, I don't recall exactly when that was.

We were at my parent's house. He was about to go home when the whole upsetting conversation started. Man, I sure wish I could remember why he was so upset in the first place.

His reaction:
He just kept hugging me tight. I think it helped him calm down though...knowing that it was mutual.

Your reaction:
No guy had ever told me that and I knew I loved him so I was just so happy I finally found someone that loved me back!

First Trip

When was it:
July of 2001

Where was it to:
I got to go with his family to his mom's side's family reunion in California.

Did you buy any souvenirs:
Mostly edible ones. They have the best salt water taffy.

Have you been back together:
We have. A couple times. They have the reunion every year.

Tokens of affection

First gift he gave you:
Christmas of 2000. We'd only been dating a month. I'm pretty sure he got me a cute hoodie and some cotton shorts that said SOFTBALL...I'd started playing again shortly before that.

First gift you gave him:
I got him a wallet. And Reese's peanut butter cups. His fave.

When was the last time you bought or received flowers:
He got me flowers not too long ago. Just cuz. :o)

What did or will you do for Valentines day?
Well, last year, he was in Paris for Valentine's...not sure what's in store for us yet this year.

Feast on this

First meal he cooked for you:
Well, the first memorable meal would have to be from our one year anniversary. We stole down to the beach house, alone, for the night and we cooked shells and cheese and added some ham to it.

First meal you cooked for him:
I helped with the shells and cheese, but he was trying to be romantic and make me dinner. :o)

Foods you introduced to him:
Gravy. My mom always made gravy with mashed potatoes and his mom didn't.

Foods he introduced to you:
Clam chowder. One of his mom's specialties that I had never had before. Delish, btw!

Nights at home

Favorite meals:
Hmm...not sure if we have any favorites really. There are things that I cook a lot just because we like them and they're easy.

Favorite treats:
We love brownies. So I try not to make them too often. They get eaten way too fast!

Favorite things to do:
Sit on the couch and watch movies. We're so boring!

Favorite Ice Cream:
That I can get out of my freezer? Mine would probably be mint chocolate chip. His would be the HEB Creamy Creations caramel turtle pecan or something like that.

Out on the town

Favorite restaurants:
I would say the Mexican place back home, El Sombrero. He loves it to, but I don't know if he'd call it a favorite or not...

Favorite dance club:
Uhh...we don't dance...

Favorite theatres:
Um, movie theater? Because that's the only theaters we ever go to!

Favorite activities:
Like Eyegirl, we're not too terribly exciting. Dinner and a movie is about as exciting as we get when we go out. Every once in a blue moon we make it out to a concert, so that's fun.

Our future holds

What he wishes for:
A few acres and a big house and an offshore boat and a deer lease so he can teach his sons how to hunt and fish. :o)

What you wish for:
Happiness and less stress and a family of our own.


Our Differences:
Ha! I'm sure some people would call us the epitomy of "opposites attract"!

Our Similarities:
We're both quite family oriented, smart, hardworking, perfectionists, stubborn...and we love each other! :o)


Valerie said...

Very very cute Jules!! Love it. I should do this too :)

~**Dawn**~ said...

Your 'ha!' about the ex-girlfriend made me laugh. ;-) Something else you said really struck me though: you can't remember what he was all upset about. Funny how we get *so* upset about things, but looking back, we often can't recall what they even were. So many things seem so much bigger in the here & now than they are in the grand scheme of things. =)