Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blog template challenged...

You all know how I introduced a new blog template a while back. Well, as you can still tell, I haven't done any updating to it at all. Turns out, I'm kind of retarded. The template I just downloaded from one of those "free blogger templates" sites. And I have no idea how to customize it. None. What. So. Ever.

So. My question for you is this. Has anyone had someone do a custom template for them? One that's not expensive? One that is easily customize-able? Like adding new buttons, or link, or badges, or fun stuff like that without screwing up the whole thing?? One where I can actually figure out how to USE the links and do custom links? {BTW, I don't even know what RSS Feeds are!!}

Wow. I am such a blog retard.

I need help!

1 comment:

Valerie said... is who did mine and it's awesome. It wasn't crazy expensive and it's completely custom. I can add and remove stuff easily. Might be right up your alley!