Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Yes, I do realize it's Wednesday, thank you. With the Holiday Monday, I obviously did not post my menu plan. It's not a very exciting menu this week. Just odds and ends of meals we haven't eaten over the past couple weeks. Here it is, regardless!

Monday - I had a cookie...John had a burger

Tuesday - Leftover steak and veggies from Sunday

Wednesday - Taco salad

Thursday - Sausage wrapped in tortillas and green beans

Friday - Umm...maybe hot dogs? Really, I think we'll probably end up going will have been a long week...for being a short one!

Told you it wasn't very exciting. Mainly whatever I can find that I don't have to go to the store for. I did go to the store yesterday, but I didn't buy much. Mostly odds and ends for lunches and snacks. And hot dog buns...I know we've got hot dogs in the freezer. Always good to have buns around for those impromptu meals when we've got nothing else to eat! :o)

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