Monday, April 27, 2009

I hate Monday's...

Ugh…I’m so depressing, I swear!  I am really tired of Monday’s.  I wish I never had to have another Monday ever again.  Monday morning meetings are the absolute WORST idea in the history of ideas.  I’m never prepared for them.  Why on EARTH would I agree to a “Weekly Agenda” meeting with my boss on Monday mornings…only 30min. after I get to work even??  Am I crazy?  Ugh.

Can you tell how my morning has been?  Yeah, that bad.  I have WAY too much other stuff to be actually concerned about rather than some stupid meeting to go over what I (don’t remember what I) did last week and then what I will (mostly likely not) be doing this week.  Is that not retarded?  My weekly agenda changes on a daily basis.  No matter what I plan out, something ALWAYS changes.  There is no point.  And it just takes up my precious time.  I’ve sadly only had to deal with this meeting for the last few weeks, too.  I can only get worse from here.  Ugh.

Unfortunately there will not be a Menu Planning Monday post today.  I did not plan out my meals this week.  Shame on me.  And it (might possibly) be because I did absolutely NOTHING all day yesterday except read.  John got home Saturday afternoon and we went out to dinner, but since he’d been on airplanes travelling for 40 hours straight, we went to bed early.  We ended up getting up at 5:30 Sunday morning, neither of us being able to fall back asleep, so we went downstairs and I started reading while John got caught up on all the shows he missed while he was gone.  Before we knew it, it was time for lunch.  So we ate lunch, and then just didn’t feel like doing anything so John watched more TV and played on the computer while I read…until it was time for dinner!!  Then we had dinner.  Then John zonked out about 9pm, so I stayed up and read until 10pm and went to sleep.  Needless to say, I finished book #3 yesterday and started on book #4.  I’m so pitiful.  Please tell me I’m not the only one who just CAN’T get enough of the Twilight series!  I’m glad I’m on the last book so I can’t keep being obsessed like this after I’m finished with it! 

So yes, I didn’t plan a menu.  We didn’t go to the grocery store.  I didn’t do any laundry.  And John’s luggage never made it out of Africa so there wasn’t any of his to do anyway.  And now I don’t want to be at work.  I just keep counting down the minutes until I get to read a bit at lunch and then until I get to go home.  It’s going to be a very long day, I think.  Ugh.

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