Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Weekly post

I would like to start some kind of weekly standard post.  Something like, Recipe of the Week, or Pet Foto Friday, or a Product of the Month.  I don’t know what to do though.  But I would like to start something along those lines so that I don’t get so caught up in such random posting.  I’d like to try to start working on some typical post that you readers out there (all 2 of you J) get used to seeing on a regular basis.  So, any suggestions??


Valerie said...

Ooo I like that idea!! Do you mind if I copy you a bit? That's a neat idea to at least have something other than my random thoughts or finds. Ooo I might do like a web find of the week since I am able to surf a lot - would you mind if I did that?

Great idea Julie.

OH and just think when you're a BzzAgent you can blog about that too!!

Valerie said...

OH yea and i'm not sure if you read mckmama's blog but she does a "not me Monday" - if you did those on Monday it would be fun too!

Valerie said...

I should have combined this into one post but oh well...

you could do recipes - you are so good at desserts and what not.