Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleepy sleepy

This really should be my last post this morning.  I do have actual WORK to do!  But it was weighing on my mind so I needed to get it out.

For the like 5th morning in a row, Major has woken us up, too early.  This morning was 5:15am.  I’m all for getting up early, but that’s just too early when I didn’t get to sleep until almost 11pm.  So I let him out then get back in bed.  Though I was unable to actually go back to sleep.  Let me go back…

A couple weeks ago, we went to Florida for a wedding.  On the flight out there, John fell asleep on the plane.  After a while, I noticed he had this weird breathing pattern.  3 deep breaths, then no breaths, 3 deep breaths, then no breaths.  It was like a 10 second cycle.  I told him about it after he woke up.  He just laughed it off.  Well, at the wedding, I mentioned it to my mom (who happens to be a nurse).  She exclaims, “That’s sleep apnea!”  So now I’m a bit concerned.  It could be very dangerous.  I tell John and again he just laughs it off.  To make matters worse, it runs in his family!  My mom is quite concerned because he is way too young to be experiencing sleep apnea.  She says, “It would probably go away if he lost 30lbs.”  John plays it down since it’s never happened before and it was because he was all scrunched up on the plane.  Well, we already have a deal that he has to lose 30lbs. before vacation, so I add to the deal that if he doesn’t, he has to go do a sleep study.

Back to this morning…

I got back in bed and tried to go back to sleep for another 45 minutes.  John grumbles something about the dog, half asleep, then returns to snoring away.  Then he stopped.  And I laid awake straining to hear air flowing through his lungs.  No such luck.  For what seemed like minutes, (but really was only about 7 seconds) he didn’t breathe.  Then a big giant snore, 4 regular breaths, a shallow breath, and then nothing.  So I shove him.  “What are you shoving me for??”  “You’re not breathing!!”  And more snoring.  Now I’m worried.  I had never noticed this non-breathing pattern EVER at home.  For that entire 45 minutes I laid there, right next to him so I could feel him breathe.  Not wanting to fall back asleep, worried that if I did he would stop breathing and not start again.

It didn’t seem like such a big deal when I thought he was just 30lbs overweight…he was starting to lose it.  Well, turns out, he’s now 40lbs overweight!  I knew he was looking a little plumper…I even mentioned it on more than 1 occasion.  He kept insisting he hadn’t gained any weight.  Liar. 

What am I to do now?  He knows he’s overweight, he knows he needs to lose weight.  But he doesn’t try!!  I keep on him and keep on him, but it does nothing!  Now, I’m worried to go to sleep for fear he’ll stop breathing right there next to me!  I think I have tried about everything I can think of to get him to lose weight…nagging, incentives, making fun, health reasons.  And none of it has seemed to make an impact on him brain enough to really try.  I even agreed to buying a Bowflex (used, of course) if he’d work on it.  We bought that in February…he has used it once.  ONCE!  He promised it would not be a waste of money.  I just really don’t know what to do anymore.  I want to just give up.  I have wasted so much effort on trying to make him healthier and he just doesn’t care.  But if I give up, who will care if he can’t care about himself??  I’m at such a loss…

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