Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On a mission.

For the next week and a half, I am completely on a mission. My mission: clean and organize! By the end of this week, my goal is to have the house clean, downstairs AND up. I did such a great job last night getting a bunch done in the living room that I should easily be able to tackle the rest of the house in the next 4 nights. Plus I’m not coming into work Wednesday morning since I have a dentist appointment, so that gives me even more time to clean. Once the cleaning is done, then I’ll have the entire weekend and all next week to work on my organizing. I think I will start in the guest room. It’s got the least amount of stuff so it should be an easy accomplishment for me. I hope to get rid of a lot of stuff. I know we have too many “things”. Though I will also need to make a list of everything I will need to buy to accomplish everything that I want done. Like I already know I need a lamp for my sewing table and some kind of divider things for my wrapping materials that are all mixed together in a big Tupperware. Since Husband has taken over the closet in the office for all his hunting gear, I need to come up with a crafty plan for organizing the guest room closet so that it can be of better use to me and my hobby things.

With Hubby out of town I don’t think I should try to tackle larger feats such as painting the kitchen ceiling or the (two story) entryway, so I’ll be satisfied if I can get the house clean, number 1, and get at least one room completely organized in the next 11 days.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I got a mesh cart caddy for all my bead stuff that's on wheels and easily rolls into the closet. I believe I got it at Wal-mart in the bathroom section!! Then I got that metal shelf at Target that also fits in the closet. I put all my scrapbook stuff on there. Hope that helps some! Let me know if you need help.